Photography Contest

28 01 2010


We’d like to know where our customers take their Green Bottles™. Maybe you take yours camping or on long hikes. Maybe you bring them on a golf outing or to a sports event. Or you might keep them on your desk at work instead of a glass that could easily spill onto your computer. Maybe you have the youth size and your kids tote them around everywhere!

Whatever the case enter our new monthly photo contest by sending us your photos  of your Green Bottles™ in action. If your photo is selected we’ll post it on our front page and send you a free Green Bottle™. You can upload your pictures directly to our site or you can join our Flickr group and add them there.

You can submit as many pictures as you like. Since January is almost up we won’t be selecting a winner until February, which gives you plenty of time to take plenty of pictures!

Enjoy photographing your Green Bottle™!